Greetings faithful
followers! I appreciate your willingness to follow me over to this new site.
Since I don't actually have the opportunity to update my blog very often I
always forget how much I dislike the layout of wordpress but I finally decided
to take the plunge and make the switch. Welkam yufala!
All of my previous blog
posts are still available at but from now on I'll be
using this site to post. I’ve also transferred my old posts over to this
site. On some of them I added pictures and a little writing so if you’re real
bored go ahead and read again.
I also have to ask you
to bear with me. I still have a lot to write about but it’s all coming, I
promise. For now, enjoy some random photos. Ale!
Smol Laura came over to hang out while I was cooking one day, look at her rolling over on her own! |
when the hammock goes up outside, the little ones flock and the shenanigans begin |
i swear i feed my puskat, but sometimes she has to fend for herself |
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